Headquartered in Orange County, California, Pravis LLC specializes in IT solutions. With more than 200 customers throughout the United States, Pravis works closely with a carefully selected client base to offer ideal customized solutions specific to the needs of the client.
You remain as updated as your IT. When we work on your business, we believe in keeping you updated every step of the way. Our communication is clear and ongoing as we embark on a path to getting your system to where it needs to be today…and years from now.
Our solutions are scalable. We place a special emphasis on scalability. We discuss with you not only what your company needs today, but where you plan to be in the future and what those needs may be as well. Developing a proper IT infrastructure doesn’t just mean applying Band-Aids and repairing leaks. It means applying the proper solutions for growing your company.
Whether you’re growing, rightsizing or still trying to determine your plan, we can tailor the right solution to your needs.
A vendor-neutral approach. Pravis prides itself on an agnostic approach to IT solutions. We are not married to one technology product or platform. Only very sharply focused on the one that best meets your needs and solves your problem. While most firms may exhibit bias towards a single brand or technology, we do our homework and make sure we’re choosing the one best for your project and budget.
Long-term relationships. The success of our work —and, we believe, the hallmark of success in our industry— is based on trust. That’s only built over the long-term. Credibility is never attained with a fly-by-night client roster. The average length of our client relationship is 7 years. That speaks to our commitment to solutions that foster our clients’ loyalty and satisfaction.
Senior talent. Pravis employs —and nurtures— true professionals in every sense of the word. The overwhelming majority are senior level, with more than 10 years experience in their particular specialty. Most likely, the experts on your project are well-versed in the nuances of your industry; a major plus in ensuring you have the IT foundation that works best for your business. On the rare occasion the need arises for outside help, we have access to a well-rounded talent pool specializing in an array of technologies.
We’re virtually in-house. We commit ourselves to your company just as if we were on your staff. We’re always accessible— working as part of your team or as partners with your existing IT staff when you have the need.
Known for reliability. From having 24/7 access to our technical talent to creating solutions that keep pace with the workflow of your business, our clients have come to know us as a resource they trust in, and rely on. We work hard to maintain that reputation.
“We take the time to understand every facet of your business processes first— and create efficiencies in technology around it that reduce your overall IT spend. ”
“We take the time to understand every facet of your business processes first— and create efficiencies in technology around it that reduce your overall IT spend. ”